Tag Archives: Creativity

The First Etsy Shop Spotlight: Dotty Design Studio

Alright, ladies and gentleman, it’s time for our first Etsy Shop Spotlight!  The lucky first one is Danielle who owns Dotty Design Studio!  This is especially for all of you art lovers out there. Let’s put that spotlight on her and hear what she has to say about her shop and her products!

Dotty Design Studio specializes in all things created or handpicked by me, Danielle Rajotte (a.k.a. Dotty). I am an interior designer by trade, but in my spare time I consider myself to also be a photographer, crafter, and antiques enthusiast. All of these creative endeavours can be found within my shop. I am currently living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, but my creative development began on a farm outside of the small town of Wainwright; This mixture of rural and urban culture seeps in to all of my creative works, giving it the unique ability to appeal to a broad range of people.

Some of the items you can find in Dotty Design Studio:

Henge Canvas Print 20 x 30

Notre Dame Canvas Print 20 x 30

Moonrise Canvas Print 16 x 24

Pink Bumblebee Canvas Print 8 x 12

Antique Pair of Solid Brass Penguins

Docked Canvas Print 20 x 30

You can get to each listing by clicking on the individual photo or by clicking here to go to Danielle’s shop!

Support handmade shops. 🙂

If you have an etsy shop (or one on e-crater, artfire, etc.) and want to be featured on this weekly spotlight, please contact me at glitteringtreasuresjewelry@gmail.com and I’ll fill you in on what you need to send to me!


Filed under etsy, spotlight

So I had a bad day….

Being a “creative” type, I’m known for my bouts of frustration and depression. Especially when I get on etsy every morning to see that I haven’t made any sales (again).   Today was especially hard.

I have this bad habit of comparing myself to other people. So, today I was on facebook and kept hearing about some friends who sold some more stuff in their etsy shops. That’s nothing unusual, but of course, I am a bit sensitive today. It really got to me and my mom wanted to know what was wrong. I told her and she wanted to see my friend’s shop to see what she had and why she was selling more than me.  I showed her the shop and I went through it, tearing myself down at every chance I got. She has more feedback.. is in more circles… etc. etc.etc.  I’ve made around four sales and I don’t have any feedback. I’ve mentioned this before, but not having any feedback can hurt a shop. People see that 0 number and automatically assumes you’re either a newbie or you suck.

So, I went through the whole afternoon trashing myself and putting down everything I’ve made.  I do my best to make sure the things I put on my etsy shop are affordable for people. I know there’s a lot of expensive stuff on there and I just want a shopper to know that there’s something they can afford. Maybe that makes my stuff look too cheap, but I’m not trying to steal money here. I want to be fair. So, I put out discounts and bundle things together.   Currently, I still have that free shipping code, but it hasn’t really helped.

I know that it’s all about getting the right customer to your shop and I do the best that I can. I have this blog, my facebook page, twitter… everything you can imagine. So, I am marketing. It’s just not getting to the right people yet. We’ll see.

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Filed under etsy

A Basic Introduction (We all have to have them..)

The ever important first post. 🙂 First off, I’d like to say welcome and thanks for checking out my blog, it isn’t much at the moment, but I promise that it’ll get better once it goes along.

I started this blog  so I could let people in on the process that goes into my jewelry and hair accessory making.  I think the creative process that goes into it is always really fascinating and it’s fun to share that with people. Sometimes people will ask me  how did I come up with that idea or what inspired me to put those two colors together. Hopefully, this blog will answer those questions and keep people up to date with what’s going on with Glittering Treasures.

At the moment, I just finished four flower hair clips that are currently in my etsy shop.  I’ve been doing a lot of pinks and reds, probably because Valentines Day is right around the corner.  Clips like these below:

White with pink tips flower hair clip

Coral Pink flower hair clip

Red and white flower hair clip

All of these can be found in my etsy shop. Click here to go to it. 🙂

I’ve also been trying to decide if I’m going to be putting any heart jewelry in the shop for Valentines Day. I tried putting up some Christmas related earrings in December, but nobody really bought them, so they’re actually still in the shop. But, I guess people will wear heart jewelry any time of the year, so I’ll probably end up putting these earrings in there by Monday:

Sorry, the photo quality sucks. My camera didn’t want to cooperate that day. But, I’ll probably end up putting both earrings in the shop very soon!

So, if you’re a fellow “arts and crafts” person who likes to make jewelry, please follow me and we’ll share stories! Or if you’re just an arts and crafts lover, then please stay tuned and let me know what you like and what you would like to see. I always enjoy comments. I’m just getting started in this business. This whole thing is something that will help me self-publish my novels that I’m working on (which is a very expensive process, let me tell you). It’s great to support small businesses and people who are just trying to do what they can to keep things going. If you have an etsy shop, add me to your circle and I will do the same!

Also, please go “like” my Glittering Treasures facebook page if you will! I could always use the support there as well. 🙂

I look forward to talking with you!

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Filed under earrings, etsy, holiday, jewelry